The sun shone brightly at Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health’s special gazebo dedication to the Pemi-Baker staff in memory of Frances Marie Fernandes, a former hospice patient. John Fernandes and his two daughters have been long supporters of the Pemi-Baker Hospice and Palliative care programs but they wanted to give back specifically to the staff, giving them a place to rest, reflect and rejuvenate.
The ornate, covered gazebo rests on the lawn outside the offices at Boulder Point, overlooking the pond and mountains to the north of Pemi-Baker Valley. “Fran would want you to enjoy this gazebo because it is a link to the beauty of nature. Maybe on a pleasant day, sitting here and contemplating the beautiful scenery, you will feel something of the appreciation our family has for what you do. We hope you will continue to enjoy this place for many years to come,” said John Fernandes.
The staff at Pemi-Baker would like to gratefully thank the whole Fernandes family: John Fernandes, Laura Kelly, Leslie & Dan Keane and Richard Cusolito for this amazing gift and thoughtful tribute. The teak, engraved plaque reads: Presented to Pemi-Baker Hospice and Home Health by the Frances Marie Fernandes Memorial Fund in appreciation of the dedication of the nurses and staff who work tirelessly to bring peace and comfort to so many.
Pemi-Baker Hospice & Home Health is a trusted, nonprofit agency proudly serving 29 towns in central and northern NH since 1967. Expert services include at-home healthcare and physical therapies (VNA), hospice and palliative care, and community programs including: American Red Cross CPR/AED/FA, Caregiver and Bereavement Support Groups and Ask A Pemi-Baker Nurse days at your local senior centers. Providing compassionate care with experienced staff who are trained, certified professionals and also your neighbors. In your time of need, we’re right where you need us.
Pemi-Baker is located at 101 Boulder Point Drive, Suite 3, Plymouth, NH. To contact us please call: 603-536-2232 or email: info@pbhha.org Like our Facebook Page: @pemibakerhospicehomehealth